Joomla! Nice Content Access Documentation

Getting Started – Installation

1. Install the extension using Joomla's Extension Manager:

2a. Go to Extensions>>Plugin Manager>>System – Nice Content Access and enable the plugin.

2b. Optionally, go to Extensions>>Plugin Manager>>Content – Nice Access and enable the plugin.

3. Go to Components>>Nice Content Access

4. You will see that there is a “Test Item” listed, that was automatically created during installation. Click into this listing and explore the settings. You will see a number of fields. They are defined here:

Name: The name of the Nice Content Access item. This name is for your reference only.

Enabled: On or off. If the item is not enabled it will not display any content to any user group.

Allowed Groups: Select the user groups that you would like to have access to the content. You can select multiple groups by holding down your control key.

Excluded Groups: This is an optional setting. Selections here will exclude groups from access the content. Excluded group selections override Allowed group selections.

Note, if there are no Allowed Groups selected and you select some groups to exclude, all groups will have access to the content except the excluded groups.

Content: Enter the content that you wish to display to your Allowed Groups.

Content Alternative: This is optional. You can enter alternative content that will be displayed to groups that do not allowed to access the “Content.”

Getting Started – Your first usage

1. For this example, we are going to use the “Test Item” that was automatically created during the installation.

2. Go to Components>>Nice Content Access

3. Find “Test Item” in the Nice Content Access list. Now look to the far left “id” column and note the item id number for the listing. It is most likely “1.”

4. Now go to Content>>Article Manager.

5. Create a new article.

6. Enter the following tag


Notice the number 1. It is the item id for the Nice Content Access listing we want to use.

*Important, if you are coping and pasting the example tag to your article, you should paste it into a simple text editor (such as Notepad) first. Then copy it from the text editor to Joomla. This process will clean any hidden HTML code, used for formating, out of the tag. Hidden HTML code can cause the tags to be unrecognizable to the extension and/or cause unexpected results. The best safeguard is to manually type the tag.

7. Click the Save button.

8. Find the new article on the front end of the site. If you are not logged in, you will not see any of the content from within the tag. However, if there is alternative content specified for the item, you will see it.

9. Now log in as a user that belongs to the Registered user group and view the same article. Presto! the tag content is revealed to you.

Tag Syntax

{niceaccess:item id}

The tag syntax is pretty self explanatory.  Enter the item id of the Nice Content Access item you wish to use.